15th May 2024



17th May 2023


1. Apologies for absence.

2. Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting. See below.

3. Matters arising.

4. Chairman’s Report.

5. Treasurer’s Report.  Including seeking Members approval for an annual membership fee of £5 to mitigate declining income. 

6. Elections for 2023/24

    a)  Chairman – Malcolm was elected AGM 2019 – no vacancy.

    b)  Secretary –  Petronella was elected AGM 2021 – no vacancy. 

    c)  Treasurer –  Alison was elected AGM 2019 – re-election.

    d)  Committee – present members are: Tony (AGM 2021), Caroline (since AGM 2018 as Sec, 2021 as member), Liz (2022).               .   

    e)  There are therefore 2  vacancies on the Committee.

7. Any Other Business. Please notify the Secretary, or in her absence any other Committee Member, in writing two weeks before the meeting if you wish to raise any other subject, ie by 3 May. 

a)  Summer Picnic?

b) Whether to hold a 30th Anniversary Dance in 2025, offers of help to run it.

c)  New Website – feedback for Alison.  Do you, how do you, use it etc. 

There will be social dancing before and after the meeting.

Chairman’s Report May 2023

I think it is fair to say we have had a successful year, we have not yet returned to the number of dancers at each meeting which we had prior to COVID but we have maintained a steady attendance, helped by regular visits by members of other groups especially Weymouth.

I know we would like it to be better and this is always in the mind of Committee members.

Any new ideas to boost out numbers are always welcome.

We had a successful summer programme last year with Liz Beckinsale, Duncan Brown, Robert and Maggie Morgan calling the dances. They were well attended.

Added to this we held a dance in July with Chris and Julie Dewhurst providing the music. I am sorry to say I was unable to attend but was informed that it was enjoyed by all that did.

At that dance a raffle was held and as a result £125 was donated to Julia’s House Hospice.

A further donation was made to this cause, when this year, we purchased a butterfly in memory of our departed friends.

Our callers and their committee have done a great job in giving us varied and entertaining dances with Liz, Sue & Irene helping out with extra teaching. Our club is totally dependant on their efforts. THANK YOU ALL …

Alison took on the job of improving our website with the aim of making it possible for others to update it and hopefully easier to use. This required a lot of hard work and I’m pleased to say has achieved her goals. Thank you Alison …

As we haven’t had any dances to organize since July last year the Committee has had a fairly easy time with Alison as Treasurer and Petronella as Secretary taking on the biggest workload for our club committee. We should thank the Committee for their commitment to our club …..

Last, but by no means least. I would like to thank Celia for organizing the refreshment rota, a vital part of our mid session socializing. THANK YOU CELIA …

With everyone’s help we can strive to grow our club and continue to enjoy the benefits both mentally and physically. THANK YOU ALL

Accounts 2022-2023

Treasurer’s Report May 2023

Comparing last year 2021-2022 to year 2022-2023 is not comparing normal years, 2021-2022 was a year when we did not dance a full year due to Covid.

  • 38 evening sessions, costs £30 per evening for the hire of the hall with an average of 20 per session.  768 paid, 40 were free (1st sessions, cake makers, teachers)
  • Income £2036 an increase on 2021-2022 which was hit by Covid
  • Expenditure £2265.28 giving a deficit of £229.28 which is 4x previous year due to member attendance falling and the highest deficit since 2016.
  • Dance July 2022 cost of live music and hall etc; all covered by ticket sales
  • Weekly cost for hire of hall has increased even though we only dance twice a year at Salwayash Village Hall rather than monthly
  • This year we had summer socials and hence cost of callers increased
  • IT, website cost has decreased as there was an offer for ‘start up’
  • Charity donations increased: Raffle £125 and Julia’s Butterfly £39.50
  • Increased costs: rubbish bags, electricity meter at Salwayash Hall etc;
  • Admin cost decreased, less stamps and cards
  • Catering has increased from last year due to more sessions

Committee are recommending that we charge £3 per person for social evenings as this is where we are running the sessions at a loss.

Committee are recommending that we charge an annual subscription of £5


Held at Church House, Bridport on Wednesday 11th May 2022 at 8.24pm 

Present:   Malcolm (Chairman), Alison (Treasurer), Petronella (Secretary),   Caroline , Tony and 19 members.  

1.  Apologies:  Terry, Peter & Gill, Nick, Anne.   

  The Chairman welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. 

2.  The Minutes of the October 2021 AGM had been available to everyone prior to the meeting. They were accepted as correct and signed.  

3.  Matters arising: Possibility of afternoon sessions.  The Chairman said that the result of a survey of all members the Committee ruled it out for the time being. Not enough interest, including from callers. With other clubs now doing weekly afternoon sessions on Tuesdays at Charminster, and monthly on Thursday at Woodbury, there is some provision.   

4.  Chairman’s Report: 

The text of the Chairman’s Report is attached.  He thanked Philip for his many years running the BSD website and gave him a gift, and card signed by members.  The Committee is working on setting up a new, stand-alone site which can be accessed by more than one.  

5.  Treasurer’s Report: 

The Report and Notes had been circulated in advance. Attached. They were accepted as correct by the meeting.  Alice asked if £2 per session was still enough. It is for now and will be kept under review.  The Treasurer said that the Committee had decided to use Church House (£27pn)for all Wednesdays, with Salway Ash (£40) for parties. Alice commented that SA is much better for food prep.  Roger S proposed the Accounts be accepted.  All in favour. All thanked Alison for her hard work. 

6.  Elections for 2022: 

Liz had agreed to come on the Committee and was elected unanimously.  There is still a vacancy for another Committee member.  Members content for Committee to co-opt.  

7.  AOB: 

a) Celia asked if people could keep filling the Tea/Refreshment Rota, and step forward for the Summer Socials and Dance.  Several members are willing to help.  

b) The Chairman introduced the formal proposal to amend the Constitution to rename the Teaching Sub-Committee to the Dancing S C… to devise and call/teach… Now that there is no qualified teacher involved in running BSD.  John proposed, unanimously agreed.  

c) The Chairman said that the fortnightly first half technique sessions had been set up to try and fulfil the Constitution objective for the club to teach scottish country dancing.  Liz, Sue and Irene of the Weymouth SCD club had kindly agreed to do these sessions and their efforts were showing in our dancing.  He is most grateful to them and asked if members would like them to continue.  This prompted some discussion, including whether we should offer expenses, the need to be able to offer new members some teaching.  Members agreed to continue these sessions on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays.  TM and CMS will meet the 3 ladies in the summer.  Roger hoped that there would be a plan to try and attract and keep new members – most who have come have not stayed.  The Committee assured him that we discuss this regularly and will renew efforts for the next Season.    

John suggested we have another summer picnic at SA – enjoyable and includes non-dancing spouses. Agreed.  

Malcolm closed the meeting and dancing recommenced at 9.05. 

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